I’m a 5th-year Ph.D. candidate at UIUC, exploring HCI and CSCW under the guidance of Prof. Karrie Karahalios and Prof. Hari Sundaram. Currently, I’m researching collective decision-making mechanisms and Human-AI interaction.
Dive into my projects, check out my CV or learn more about me. If you are an undergraduate student at UIUC interested in research, please send me an email!
Recent News
- 2025/01/17 — The first paper on designing and validating interface for Quadratic Surveys (and also Quadratic Voting) is conditionally accepted to CHI 2025. Excited to share more soon!
- 2025/01/10 — 7th semester with CS411 Database Systems for Spring 2025.
- 2025/12/16 — Check out here! I can finally officially annouce Here@Illinois as the coolest tool for staffs to manage their courses and events!
- 2024/08/27 — My internship project at Microsoft Research with the Software Analysis and Intelligence in Engineering Systems (SAINTES) Group is now readable through this tech report where I outline my iterative prompt priming approach for Generative Expert Metric Generation with Large Language Models.
- 2024/05/01 — I am honored to recieve my second Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the CS Department in addition to the campus wide TA ranked as excellence recognition for CS598SPH/SMC Research Methods in HCI that I TAed in Fall 2023!
- 2024/02/05 — Returning to Microsoft Research as a research intern during spring 2025 mentored by Madeleine under Special Projects! Hope to share interesting findings soon.
- 2023/03/18 — I am so excited to share that I will be interning with the Software Analysis and Intelligence in Engineering Systems (SAINTES) Group at Microsoft Research summer 2023! If you are at Seattle over the summer, let’s grab a coffee!
- 2023/03/17 — I am releasing a early version of the new personal website. It now supports i18n and a new cover photo that express what my research focus is.
- 2021/10/24 — I decided to put our CSCW work on a website. So there we have it: get.surveyish.
Still working on some of the translation!
Why a redesign?
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