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- 2025/01/17 — The first paper on designing and validating interface for Quadratic Surveys (and also Quadratic Voting) is conditionally accepted to CHI 2025. You can take a peak here.
- 2025/01/10 — 7th semester with CS411 Database Systems for Spring 2025.
- 2025/12/16 — Check out here! I can finally officially annouce Here@Illinois as the coolest tool for staffs to manage their courses and events!
- 2024/08/27 — My internship project at Microsoft Research with the Software Analysis and Intelligence in Engineering Systems (SAINTES) Group is now readable through this tech report where I outline my iterative prompt priming approach for Generative Expert Metric Generation with Large Language Models.
- 2024/05/01 — I am honored to recieve my second Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the CS Department in addition to the campus wide TA ranked as excellence recognition for CS598SPH/SMC Research Methods in HCI that I TAed in Fall 2023!
- 2024/02/05 — Returning to Microsoft Research as a research intern during spring 2025 mentored by Madeleine under Special Projects! Hope to share interesting findings soon.
- 2023/03/18 — I am so excited to share that I will be interning with the Software Analysis and Intelligence in Engineering Systems (SAINTES) Group at Microsoft Research summer 2023! If you are at Seattle over the summer, let’s grab a coffee!
- 2023/03/17 — I am releasing a early version of the new personal website. It now supports i18n and a new cover photo that express what my research focus is.
- 2021/10/24 — I decided to put our CSCW work on a website. So there we have it: get.surveyish.
Still working on some of the translation!