[WEB] CUHK Taiwanese Student Association Website

Table of Contents
Introduction #
The Official Website for The Chinese University of Hong Kong Taiwanese Student Association (CUHK-TSA) was built to provide services for members and also a platform to promote the CUHK-TSA student media and news.
## Technology & Contributor (Github Link under construction ... ) ### Powered by - Backend server: [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/), [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/), [Express.js](https://expressjs.com/) - Frontend framework: [React.js](https://facebook.github.io/react/), [ES6](https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features), [Isomorphic React](https://github.com/elyseko/iso-react-demo) - Authentication: [Passport.js](https://passportjs.org/), [OAuth](https://openauthentication.org/) - Host server: HerokuappContributor #
- Project Leader: Ti-Chung Cheng & Tony Liang
- Project member: Hank Chou, Pei-Fang Wu …
[Functioning] #
- Serve CUHK-TSA news
- Serve CUHK-TSA events
- Serve CUHK-TSA freshmen guide
[Developing] #
- CUHK-TSA membership system
- Activity registrations & voting systems