[Chatbot] Anna

Table of Contents
Introduction #
This is a Hackathon project for E.C. Jamming 2017 (https://ecjamming.tech/) with the theme: campus life. Anna is an intelligent Chatbot that brings students with similar interests and needs together as interest groups and short-term gatherings.
desgin explaination #
This screenshot shows the end-product we design. It aims to help identify quick group gatherings such as:
- finding friends to buy 1 get 1
- creating interest groups
- create meetups that expires shortly
We believe that it serves a different audience than social media groups that tend to last longer.
Pitching Slide can be found here.
Technologies #
Rachel is built running two servers: Back-end and Front-end.
- Back-server : Express.js + MongoDB on Azure
- Front-end : MS bot framework + Luis + Node.js